Friday, March 31, 2017

Fire and Forget

Lately, I've run across a few questions in the Forums about being able to spin off a thread that might contain a long-running process that doesn't need to be monitored in any way. It's what's called a "Fire and Forget" process. This is useful for processes where the caller doesn't need to have any direct feedback from the process, it just needs to initiate that process and then move on. I can see where this could be quite useful for running some SQL scripts or Stored Procedures on a database.

For example, say that you have a UI (WinForms or WPF) and a button click (or whatever) to start the Processes. You don't want to block the UI thread, so that's an important thing to keep in mind. Let's also say that we have another class we use that contains all the processes that we want to Fire and Forget.  An excellent way to deal with all this is to initiate Fire and Forget threads using Task.Run().

In order to simulate this, I'm going to write to a TextBox from the UI thread, and use a Console.WriteLine() in the Fire and Forget processes to show the progress of each call. When running your application from Visual Studio, you can see the output from the Console.WriteLine() in the Output window (look for it under "Debug | Windows | Output" if you don't already have it show up when you're debugging).

So, first look at this code:

Utils util = new Utils();
Console.WriteLine("Run Tasks in 'for' loop ...");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Task.Run(() =>

this.TextBox1.Text += string.Format("Started Thread {0} ...\r\n", i);

And here is the FireAndForget() method in the Utils class:

public void FireAndForget(int i)
Console.WriteLine("Starting Task #{0}", i);
// Simulate long running thread, but make them random time periods
var rand = new Random();
Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(10000)); // 10 seconds or less
Console.WriteLine("Completed Task #{0}", i);

Running this code, you can see in the UI that the TextBox sequentially lists all 10 threads as having started, and watching the Output window, you can see that the TextBox shows all 10 before the Output window shows all 10 (in other words, each running in a separate thread). And they are Completed at different times.

But, wait ... something is wrong!!  Notice in the Output window that you will often see Tasks with duplicate numbers! And, if you comment out the line for setting the TextBox1.Text, you will see every single Task has the number 10!! Why is this happening?

It has to do with something called Closures. And it's because the i variable used in Task.Run(()=>{ util.FireAndForget(i) }); by design, uses the current value of i (10), not the value of i when the delegate was created (0 thru 9). Closures close over variables, not over values. That's a quote from Eric Lippert's blog post, which will probably explain things a lot better than I can. See it here (and note that he has a link to Part 2 also):

The reason that setting the TextBox.Text in the UI seems to not affect it as much is simply because of the delay that the UI thread takes to update UI, in case you were wondering ...

There are two ways around this:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// By creating a new variable each time through the for loop
// and using that instead, you can avoid the problem
int ii = i;
Task.Run(() =>

this.TextBox1.Text += string.Format("Started Thread {0} ...\r\n", i);

If you've looked at the link to Eric's blog post, you'll see that Microsoft decided to fix this issue in C# 5, but *only* in the foreach, not in the for. So, in the foreach version, you could do it like this with no problems:

//Console.WriteLine("Run Tasks in 'foreach' loop ...");
int[] iArray = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
foreach (int i in iArray)
Task.Run(() =>
this.TextBox1.Text += string.Format("Started Thread {0} ...\r\n", i);

So, I diverged a bit from the original intent of this post, showing both the Fire And Forget process, and the little "gotcha" that you might have encountered had you used a for instead of a foreach.

Happy coding!  =0)